Thursday, May 14, 2009

Twitter - How Tweet it is

It's easy to assume that everyone knows what Twitter is. If you have no idea what Twitter is, here's a short summary. Twitter is an online social networking tool that helps you find out what your colleagues are doing.

Ever type an instant message? Sure.
Send an email lately? Yes.
How about a text? Of course!

You're all set.

Here are a few terms in Twitter world:
  1. The action of sending a message is called a "Tweet"
  2. The action of sending a message to an individual is called a "Direct Message".
  3. People can follow you. These are your "followers"
  4. And you can follow back. These would be who you are "following".
That's it!

Enjoy the video below and anticipate the Twitter part towards the middle of the ad. Now you'll know what they're talking about.