Thursday, September 18, 2008

William Yuan 12 year old solar power revolutionary

Call it pure entrepreneurial genius. William Young has has my attention.

William Young's invention of a highly-efficient, three-dimensional nanotube solar cell for both visible and ultraviolet light has been rewarded with a $25,000 scholarship from the Davidson Institute for Talent Development.

A few quotables:

Yuan said that, "Current solar cells are flat and can only absorb visible light. I came up with an innovative solar cell that absorbs both visible and UV light. My project focused on finding the optimum solar cell to further increase the light absorption and efficiency and design a nanotube for light-electricity conversion efficiency."

Yuan continues as he stated that his "next step is to talk to manufacturers to see if they will build a working prototype," Yuan said. "If the design works in a real test stage, I want to find a company to manufacture and market it."

Congratulations to you William Young!