Thank you!
Last Friday's post Valentine's fund raiser was a complete success! Thank you for spreading the word. Thanks to Teresa Edmond for the newspaper's visit. We raised $1,448 and received numerous donations in the form of clothes, toys, and canned goods - enough to fill three boxes worth (think big boxes weighing 75lbs each). Thanks also to the Vine's Church Ministries for their countless hours of support to helping out the Mangyan community.
The satisfaction of knowing that several families have a place to live again is more than enough for me. Hearing that I could put several kids back to school makes all the difference.
Would I do this again? Absolutely. Again and again and again.
Why? Out of all the excuses that I can up with, you've probably got your own. Don't worry I won't use yours. Mine are not that good either. We live in a time with tools and resources that have the potential to change the world. Let's put those tools to good use.
Stick around, catch me on Twitter: @ecarlos, keep in touch.
Please do not forget about technology in developing countries! Here's a great cause called GILAS. The goal is to provide the internet to all public high schools in the Philippines within five years.
Thanks again!