Show me the money. Follow the money. Opposite of those statements are thoughts from marketing guru Seth Godin on motivational money. I have to tell you, this is a gold mine. Here's a snippet from Seth Godin's blog.
"People need to understand motivation in order to make sense of a story. When we see a person or a business take action, our first move is to try to figure out their motivation.
The why. The what's in it for them.
We want to know why someone is acting the way they are. Your customers or your friends or your investors or your boss want to know what makes you tick.
And the reflex explanation is: money."
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Seth Godin is an American author of business books and a popular speaker with appearances at Google, TED and a number of charities. His blog is one of the most popular blogs in the world. Godin popularized the topic of permission marketing.