Saturday, July 26, 2008

Familiar Places

A few months ago during a huge pow-wow Saturday morning teleconference, I started getting antsy. No, it wasn't from bad pizza. It was too early for pizza. Forward march to our deadline, resource, and budget analysis - meeting adjourned. Shortly after I asked Gladys what our plans were for August 3. Shrug. I threw out another random date, how about Nov 15? Double shrug. We had no idea. More in a second.

In a recent talk I heard (don't know where the survey is from, but thought it was interesting), fathers were asked, "if you could do it all over again, what is the one thing you would have done differently?" The majority replied with, "I would have spent more time with my kids". That answer has echoed countless comments and advice from the most brilliant folks I've worked with. "You'll always have business opportunities. You'll always have a chance to be innovative and inventive, but at the end of the day, you'll only have one family. Invest your best years into them."

So in response to my post meeting queries, our family has become more proactive about how we spend our time together. It's not enough that I get home from work on time or be physically present with them. We are constantly trying to find creative ways to connect with each other throughout the day when I'm working, home, or wherever. You're right, easier said than done, but we remind ourselves that it is a process.

Thanks to all those who have been constantly drilling into my head, family first!

If you're looking for an inexpensive weekend getaway, Shepherd's Lake in Ringwood, NJ is always a good time. It's a place to kick back, relax, turn your gadgets off and enjoy infinite amounts of authentic quality time. They've got a great beach area, boat access, and hiking grounds. My greatest investment is and will always be the time I spend with the two most beautiful and important people in the world. Row row row your Gabe!